Sensitivity as a Superpower! Tips for Mindfully Embracing Sensitivity with Expert Rebecca Strong, Writer, Singer, and HSP!

If you’re a sensitive person, you may have been told that you are the problem—that if only you weren’t “so sensitive,” everything would be okay. You might have heard all too often that you should just “toughen up.” Yet sensitivity—when respected and valued—can be a most wondrous superpower. We live in an often-insensitive world […]
How Insecure Attachment Feeds Unhealthy Behaviors with Expert Jasmine Alexander, Registered Clinical Counselor

People-pleasing tendencies tend to begin in early childhood and often stem from insecure attachment. From childhood forward, we often learn to please others to obtain love, avoid conflict, and feel safe. Yet when we compromise our values and needs in order to please others, we lose touch with our inner selves and often pay […]