Can You Find Your Soulmate? Discover How with Relationship Expert Dr. Christie Kederian

Imperfect Love | Christie Kederian | Soulmate

  Are you hungering to discover your soulmate, twin flame, or a dream-come-true partner to be your lover and best friend? Do you struggle with finding a romantic partner who feels attractive, compatible, and real? If so, you’re in the company of millions of souls around the world who yearn to find lasting–if naturally imperfect–love. […]

LOVE YOUR BODY, LOVE YOURSELF with Body Image Experts Deb Schachter and Whitney Otto

Imperfect Love - Dr. Carla Manly | Deb Schachter and Whitney Otto | Body Image

  When you look in the mirror, do you love the reflection you see, or do you pick parts of yourself to pieces–or even your entire physical being? Do you dislike–or even loathe–the body that is your home? In today’s hypercritical, perfection-oriented world, your body image–and capacity to love yourself–might be suffering from silent comparison […]

Discover Your Strong, Authentic Self with Abundance Expert Shauna Brittenham Reiter

Imperfect Love | Shauna Brittenham Reiter | Authentic Self

  It’s time to break free from fear and step into the power of your authentic self. Do you constantly read others to see if you’re loved, safe, or seen? Do you feel anxious and emotionally compromised to the point where you feel unimportant, stuck, or chronically dissatisfied? We often settle for situations–and relationships–that work […]

Create Inner Calm and Reduce Anxiety with Self-Care Expert Dr. Nekeshia Hammond

Imperfect Love | Nekeshia Hammond | Anxiety

  Are you exhausted by chronic mental gymnastics, those anxiety-inducing, topsy-turvy cognitive gyrations that get in the way of what you want to be thinking and doing? Dr. Carla Manly has found that people are increasingly plagued by obsessive or negative thought patterns that foster anxiety, depression, and stress that can lead to severe burnout. […]

Discover the Balance and Joy of Healthy Interdependence with Expert Manami Yamamoto

Imperfect Love | Manami Yamamoto | Healthy Interdependence

  Do you wrestle with feelings of being too dependent or–at the other end of the spectrum–overly independent? If you, or someone you love, struggles with finding the ideal balance between these two poles, you’re not alone. Given society’s tendency to foster the ideal of independence (or hyper-independence), many individuals, couples, and families struggle with […]

Feeling Alone? Take Charge of Your Mental Health with Connection Expert Dr. Adam Dorsay

Imperfect Love | Dr. Adam Dorsay | Alone

  Have you ever felt truly and deeply alone? That you are completely isolated behind thick walls or an invisible shell–even when surrounded by a crowd of people or friends? Humans–like most other animals–thrive when they feel connected to others. So it makes sense that loneliness–which is very different from making a choice to spend […]