PTSD and Children: Supportive Insights for Parents with Expert Jolene Philo

PTSD and children—it’s a critical topic. PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) is increasingly common in our challenging world, and while it’s often difficult to recognize PTSD in adults, it can be even more challenging to determine when a child has PTSD. In fact, there was a time when experts believed children couldn’t develop PTSD. Fortunately, […]
Motherhood Matters! Empowering and Uplifting Self-Care Tips for Moms with Expert Dayna M. Kurtz, LCSW

Every day, millions of women struggle in their new (or existing) roles as mothers. No matter how much a woman desires to be a mother, the journey of motherhood can be scary and challenging. Motherhood is inherently imperfect, yet we often feel as if we should be perfect mothers who can “do it all.” […]
Motherhood is Beautiful and Hard! From Managing Stress to Post-Partum Depression, Dive Into Powerful Self-Care Tips with Expert Tracy Gold

Motherhood is wonderful, yet, as any mom can tell you, it’s not always sunshine, roses, and smiles. From the challenges of physiological changes, self-doubt, and anxiety to the bright joys of cuddle time and first steps, being a mom can be—all at once—scary, stressful, and full of delight. When we add issues such as […]
Break Free of Stress and Burnout Using the Power of Mindful Intention with Expert Chantay Golson

Tired of endless chaos? Stressed? Overwhelmed? Burnt out? Exhausted? If you’re nodding along, you’re likely feeling the effects of the hustle culture. The cure for healthy boundaries and mindful self-care is here! We often expect ourselves to be it all and do it all perfectly–and without complaint or sign of exhaustion. Yet the price […]
Love, Loss, and Grieving: Getting Stuck, Moving Forward, and Letting Go with Expert Mark Ed

LOVE is the greatest gift we are ever given. It brings us purpose, joy, connection, and life itself. Yet because we love, we also open ourselves up to the immense pain that comes with loss. Indeed, I believe that the greater our love, the more intense our pain during the loss and grieving process. […]
Heal From Betrayal Via Gentle Self-Love With Award-Winning Expert Noah benShea

We want to believe that love will last forever, and perhaps it does. Yet, as imperfect humans, we sometimes let down others—and even ourselves—in ways that sever the trust that is so necessary for lasting, healthy relationships. When we experience the deep pain of betrayal, which can cause immense psychological damage, it can be […]
THE CURE FOR ECO-ANXIETY! Discover Simple Tips to Create Inner Peace and Lasting Change with Expert Laura Paskus

Eco-anxiety is on the rise. We see and feel the effects of climate change at every turn. From natural disasters to increasingly unpredictable weather cycles, we can no longer avoid noticing humanity’s impact on the planet. It’s easy to slip into feeling anxious, helpless, and hopeless—plus riddled with grief—yet it’s never too late to […]
Lasting Love: Navigating the Highs and Lows of Relationships with Expert Myrna Haskell

Real love takes work! It’s easy to believe that healthy relationships should “just happen.” Our happily-ever-after fairy tales perpetuate the myth that love relationships should be both easy and perfect. Yet even in fairytales, the main characters encounter incredible challenges that test their resilience, commitment, and fortitude. Could it be that our romantic relationships […]
Suffering from Imposter Syndrome? Filled with Self-Doubt? Discover Empowering Tips for Embracing Self-Worth with Expert Linda Sanderville

Imposter syndrome haunts many of us. For those who suffer from this self-defeating dynamic, I’ve found that feelings of being an imposter stay entrenched even when others offer heartfelt validation. The persistent fear of not being enough, which often begins in early childhood, can lead to chronic feelings of self-doubt and incompetence that override […]
Feeling Powerless? Create BIG Changes in Your World via Small Acts of Kindness with Expert Magali Limeta

Feeling stressed and powerless in today’s chaotic world? At every turn, we are faced with important concerns: political turmoil, global warming, environmental disasters, wars, pollution, human rights, and skyrocketing mental health issues. We struggle with broken healthcare, education, financial, and housing systems—plus so much more. The challenges in today’s world can leave even the […]