Unhealthy Food Habits? Rewire Your Brain for Lasting Change with Nutrition Expert Eydie Desser

Are your eating habits bringing you down? We often believe that what we eat has little, if any, impact on our psychological health. Especially when we are stressed or exhausted, it’s all too easy to slide into unhealthy habits such as eating on the run, binging on sweets, or gobbling up carbs and comfort […]
Reduce Stress! Create Balance! Optimize Your Emotional and Physical Well-being with Somatic Expert Dr. Amy Wheeler

Looking for an antidote to stress? If you feel constantly out of balance, anxious, or stressed, you’re not alone. When life feels challenging or unhealed trauma gets triggered, it’s easy to become dysregulated and spiral downward. This negative cycle hurts us physically, mentally, and emotionally. Although we often can’t control what life brings our […]
Simple Steps to Lasting Joy with Expert Lisa McCourt

We are often expected to stay happy—to be cheery and upbeat no matter what is going on in our lives. As a result of this unreasonable expectation, many people believe that they are failing if they don’t feel happy 24/7. Yet, in real life, lasting happiness—what I term joy—lets go of impossible standards and […]
Create a NEW Experience of Love and Relationship by Healing Your Inner Child with Expert Rebeccah Silence

Are you a prisoner of your past? Is it possible to access your inner child to heal the wounds that keep you stuck? Can intergenerational patterns of violence and pain be shifted? Absolutely! Although some believe that we leave childhood issues behind as we enter adulthood, I’ve found that our negative childhood experiences—including wounds, […]
Embrace Your Perfectly Imperfect Self with Body Positivity Expert Emily Lauren Dick

The pressure to look perfect–and be perfect–is exhausting and expensive on many levels. In the quest to live up to impossibly high beauty standards, we often squander an incredible amount of time, mental energy, and financial resources. I’ve found that our mental and physical health pay a huge price when we feel judged, rejected, […]
You Are Enough! You Do Enough! You Have Enough! The Upside of Inner Contentment! with Expert Sheridan Stewart

We often have scripts running in our heads that tell us we should be more, do more, and obtain more. These inner narratives work against us, feeding anxiety, fear, and self-doubt. The impossible ideal of perfection is fed by society as well as those who can capitalize on our insecurities. It’s no wonder we […]
Sensitivity as a Superpower! Tips for Mindfully Embracing Sensitivity with Expert Rebecca Strong, Writer, Singer, and HSP!

If you’re a sensitive person, you may have been told that you are the problem—that if only you weren’t “so sensitive,” everything would be okay. You might have heard all too often that you should just “toughen up.” Yet sensitivity—when respected and valued—can be a most wondrous superpower. We live in an often-insensitive world […]
How Insecure Attachment Feeds Unhealthy Behaviors with Expert Jasmine Alexander, Registered Clinical Counselor

People-pleasing tendencies tend to begin in early childhood and often stem from insecure attachment. From childhood forward, we often learn to please others to obtain love, avoid conflict, and feel safe. Yet when we compromise our values and needs in order to please others, we lose touch with our inner selves and often pay […]
Boosting Your Body Image and Eating Habits with Expert Bri DeRosa

Body image. Food. Perfectionism. The relationships we have with our bodies and the food we eat are shaped by factors such as childhood environments and societal messaging. Throughout life, the conscious and unconscious choices we make around food have the power to impact us mentally, emotionally, and physically. When we pause to notice the […]
Manifest Incredible Abundance with Expert Jessica Lancaster

Manifesting! This singular word is magical to some and cringe-worthy to others. Yet, when manifesting is mindfully embraced, it can become a powerful tool for everyone. When we think of manifesting, ideas of the supernatural might come to mind, but true manifesting simply involves harnessing the power of your own mindset, heart, and soul. […]