The Wild, Wonderful World of Imperfect Parenting with Expert Heather Aranda, Mother of Eight

Balancing family, marriage, work, and at least a touch of self-care isn’t easy. Sometimes, the harder we strive to get it all done perfectly, the more life seems to unravel. Could the secret to finding balance be a blend of loving kindness, a positive mindset, and letting go of the desperate quest for perfection? […]
Crafting Healthy Friendships at Every Stage in Life with Expert Jessica Speer

Healthy friendships are food for the soul. Indeed, the best relationships are rooted in mutual kindness, honesty, and respect. With loneliness at epidemic levels, it’s all the more important for us to know how to cultivate loving, healthy friendships. We often think that great friendships “just happen,” but, like every truly wonderful relationship, solid […]
Neurodivergence, Trauma, and Special Needs! Strength-Based Tips for Fostering Healthy Family Time with Expert Bri DeRosa

Neurodiversity—the idea that each person experiences and interacts with the world around them in different ways—is a truly empowering concept. When we remove labels that promote a view of the self or others that is deficit-focused and embrace a strength-based approach, we reduce bias and judgment while promoting acceptance and forward momentum. I’ve certainly […]
Nurturing Sisterhood: Keys to Connecting with Sisters of the Soul and Heart with Experts Sabrina and Eunice Moyle

The power of sisterhood can be amazing despite—and sometimes because of—the imperfections each person brings to the relationship. When sisters unite in heart, soul, and energy, true magic can happen. And, as soul sisters know, sisterhood doesn’t require biological connection to take root—it just requires loads of imperfect love. Books by Dr. Carla […]
Fostering Healthy Boundaries and Empowerment with Expert June Smalls

From the norms that push people-pleasing behaviors to the influences of patriarchal households, it’s easy to end up feeling small and boundaryless. In our natural quest to feel loved, accepted, and safe, we often never discover how to create and use healthy boundaries. The resulting lack of empowerment can prevent us from knowing and […]
REAL Family is Made, Not Born! From Attachment to Self-Care, Expert Dr. Denise Wagner Offers Top Tips on Parenting and Adoption!

We often believe that families are based on shared genes—that biology itself creates family. Yet in my professional and personal experience, I’ve surely found that the healthiest of families are based not on genetics but on deep love and connection. Through this lens, we can appreciate that children who are adopted can be embraced […]
Plagued by Self-Doubt, Anxiety, or Panic Attacks? Free Yourself from Fear with Expert Dr. Friedemann Schaub

Anxiety. It’s a powerful force that can take hold of us and control every aspect of our lives. Anxiety, which is a form of fear, can be very sneaky. It often surfaces slowly, and before we know it, we feel anxious as we wake up and throughout the day. We often go to sleep […]
Discover and Live Your Passion with the Power of Your Inner Self with Wellness Expert Andrea Menard

Discover your power, joy, and purpose! If we let others’ expectations dictate our lives, we run the risk of never discovering our true purpose. When we don’t pause to explore our true selves, we can feel stuck and half-alive. Yet the answers to some of our deepest fears and yearnings lie just inside the […]
An Inside Look at the Highs and Lows of Chronic Depression with Expert Owen Dara

Love. Music. Passion. Creative Genius. Chronic Depression. Success. Those who live with chronic depression are often deeply misunderstood. Recent research shows that nearly 1 in 5 of those 18 and older in the U.S. have reported suffering from depression. Although we’re making strides in the destigmatization of mental health issues, silent struggles continue behind […]
The Huge Upsides of Domestically Committed Fatherhood with Expert Tim J. Myers

Looking for ways to create equality and balance at home? It’s exhausting when household responsibilities aren’t divvied up fairly. Even in today’s world, women often handle more household and childrearing duties than their partners—even when they’re also working full time. Research consistently shows that a balance in family duties—and in a relationship as a […]