Get Unstuck! Discover How to Live Your Best, Imperfect Life with Expert Arash Farzaneh

We often have secret dreams that we want to pursue but are fearful of taking the next step. All too often, we find ourselves on a path in life that others chose for us–or that we accepted by default. In our desire to gain approval, acceptance, and love, we sometimes do what is “right” […]
DISCOVER THE JOY FACTOR! Foster Well-Being Using the Art of Summoning Joy with Expert Ari Honarvar

Discover the Joy Factor! Boost your mental health and improve your resilience through the practice of summoning joy. The negativity bias—the natural, protective tendency for a bad experience to take more of our attention than good or neutral experiences—prevents us from learning from and embracing our positive experiences. We can learn to create a […]
Manipulators and Predators are Everywhere! Discover How to Spot Red Flags and Heal from Manipulation!

Manipulators and predators are everywhere! Unfortunately, most of us have found ourselves in the hands of a manipulator at least once in our lives. We often feel guilty and ashamed, telling ourselves we should have known better. Yet manipulators—especially those who are truly experts at their craft—can be exceedingly difficult to detect. Yet you […]
Empowering Tips for Parents Facing Stress and Overwhelm with Expert Maggie Stevens

Parenting is challenging, and as hard as we try to avoid making mistakes, we muck it up sometimes. Even when our hearts are in the right place, it’s tough to be a parent sometimes. The huge challenges in today’s busy world can bring a layer of chaos and confusion into the happiest of homes. […]
11 Powerful Tips for Freeing Yourself from Toxic Positivity

Toxic positivity can erode our mental, emotional, and physical health. When we feel forced to appear happy, even when we’re exhausted, sad, or crumbling inside–the consequences can be devastating. In a world where perfectly curated images constantly tell us that we should be happy, upbeat, and smiling despite life’s natural ups and downs, it’s […]
Improving Well-Being and Work-Life Balance by Embracing Creativity with Expert Dr. Vanessa S. O’Neal

It’s easy to get out of balance. All too often we get stuck in a cycle of giving too much to work, family, and necessary tasks with no true way to relax, rejuvenate, and enjoy ourselves. Dr. Carla and creativity expert Dr. Vanessa S. O’Neal dive into the joy and balance that await us […]
Creating Perfectly Imperfect Sex and Intimacy

Sex and sexual intimacy can bring couples together or tear them apart. Our sex lives are rarely perfect, but, as imperfect humans, we often feel anxious about discussing this important aspect of our romantic lives. With loving candor and empathy, Dr. Carla dives right into the heart of why sexual intimacy issues arise and […]
Overcoming Fear of Failure with Expert Dr. Shelley Davidow

Afraid of failure? Tired of not getting it “right”? The idea of failure looms dark and large in our heads and hearts. We tend to avoid failure at any cost–even when our fear of failure keeps us stuck and unfulfilled. What if failure could be turned upside down or inside out to become a […]
The Painful Truth of the “Perfect” Narcissist

Narcissists! Given the masks they wear, you often can’t spot a narcissist until you’re knee-deep in the relationship. Sadly, a relationship with a true narcissist can be extremely toxic and challenging. Those who suffer from narcissist personality disorder (NPD) are secretly terrified of engaging in emotionally connected relationships. Although often successful in the material […]
How to Tame Anxiety, Panic Attacks, and Obsessive Thoughts with Expert Dr. David Hanscom

If you’re suffering from anxiety, panic attacks, or obsessive thoughts, you’re not alone! Anxiety can get the better of us and lead to downward spirals in mental, emotional, and physical health. In today’s often stressful world, anxiety-related disorders are on the rise, leaving many people feeling overwhelmed and out of control. Dr. David Hanscom, […]