The Joy and Freedom of Being Imperfect with Expert Debra Fox Gansenberg
We often believe that if we try harder and harder to be the perfect partner, parent, friend, or employee, we will somehow create a trouble-free life and gain the love, safety, and respect we crave. Yet when we chronically strive for perfection, we tend to create more self-judgment, anxiety, and stress. Unfortunately, this toxic […]
The Gaslight Effect: How to Spot Gaslighters and Heal from Emotional Manipulation with Expert Dr. Robin Stern
Gaslighting. It’s an increasingly common term that dates back to a 1938 British Play, Gas Light, and subsequent movies focused on the power of manipulation in relationships. In the original play, a manipulative husband makes his wife feel as if she’s going insane by telling her that perceptions are inaccurate when she notices that […]
Untying the Anxiety Knot with Mental Health Expert Lisa Sugarman
Anxiety has a way of weaving itself into our bodies, brains, and lives. Struggles with anxiety often begin in childhood and, by adulthood, can become firmly entrenched in our lives. With many mental health issues on the rise–from anxiety, depression, and chronic stress to suicide–it’s time to pause to find actionable strategies to help […]
Truth, Lies, and Confessions: The Fear of Sharing Dark Secrets with Mental Health Advocate Tobi Ojekunle
Secrets. Lies. Truth. Confessions. We often learn to hide parts of who we are–including the mistakes we’ve made along the way. Yet, I’ve found that keeping secrets–the dark, shamed-filled ones–can lead to depression, anxiety, and the tendency to be untrue to the self and others. One lie, even a small one, can lead to […]
Feeling Blocked? Bring Your Dreams to Life Through the Power of Manifestation with Expert Julia Griffin
It can be easy to fall into indifference, hopelessness, or despair when we’re met with roadblocks over and over again. Yet I’ve found that–even in those low spots when we feel as if we’ll never bring our dreams to life–the shining lights of hope and faith can help us move forward toward the goals […]
PTSD and Children: Supportive Insights for Parents with Expert Jolene Philo
PTSD and children—it’s a critical topic. PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) is increasingly common in our challenging world, and while it’s often difficult to recognize PTSD in adults, it can be even more challenging to determine when a child has PTSD. In fact, there was a time when experts believed children couldn’t develop PTSD. Fortunately, […]
Motherhood Matters! Empowering and Uplifting Self-Care Tips for Moms with Expert Dayna M. Kurtz, LCSW
Every day, millions of women struggle in their new (or existing) roles as mothers. No matter how much a woman desires to be a mother, the journey of motherhood can be scary and challenging. Motherhood is inherently imperfect, yet we often feel as if we should be perfect mothers who can “do it all.” […]
Motherhood is Beautiful and Hard! From Managing Stress to Post-Partum Depression, Dive Into Powerful Self-Care Tips with Expert Tracy Gold
Motherhood is wonderful, yet, as any mom can tell you, it’s not always sunshine, roses, and smiles. From the challenges of physiological changes, self-doubt, and anxiety to the bright joys of cuddle time and first steps, being a mom can be—all at once—scary, stressful, and full of delight. When we add issues such as […]
Break Free of Stress and Burnout Using the Power of Mindful Intention with Expert Chantay Golson
Tired of endless chaos? Stressed? Overwhelmed? Burnt out? Exhausted? If you’re nodding along, you’re likely feeling the effects of the hustle culture. The cure for healthy boundaries and mindful self-care is here! We often expect ourselves to be it all and do it all perfectly–and without complaint or sign of exhaustion. Yet the price […]
Love, Loss, and Grieving: Getting Stuck, Moving Forward, and Letting Go with Expert Mark Ed
LOVE is the greatest gift we are ever given. It brings us purpose, joy, connection, and life itself. Yet because we love, we also open ourselves up to the immense pain that comes with loss. Indeed, I believe that the greater our love, the more intense our pain during the loss and grieving process. […]