Is the Golden Rule Harming Your Romantic Relationship? Discover Better Love with Intimacy Expert Susan Bratton

Imperfect Love - Dr. Carla Manly | Susan Bratton | Romantic Relationship


Romantic relationships! We love them, sometimes we hate them, and in many cases, we just put up with them. We are told that romance should be easy, but heart-connected relationships require loads of devotion and mindful effort. While there isn’t a magical cure for relationship blues, there are steps we can each take to create a loving connection and lasting joy. So, whether your romantic relationship is new or decades old, you and your partner will enjoy tips from today’s guest, intimacy expert Susan Bratton. Topics discussed include emotional connection, emotional intimacy, communication, sexual intimacy, sex, values, priorities, soulmates, relationships, marriage, connection, golden rule, partnership, dating, love, kindness, consideration, sexual soulmates, bedroom communication, lovemaking, neurolinguistic programming, mindfulness, and intimate wellness.

Please note that this episode contains sensitive and adult material; listener discretion is advised.

Emergency Assistance Note: If you or someone you know needs immediate support, please call your emergency services. In the US, 24/7 help is available by calling “911” or “988” (Suicide and Crisis Hotline). Additional links are in the show notes.

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Books by Dr. Carla Manly:

Date Smart: Transform Your Relationships and Love Fearlessly

Joy From Fear: Create the Life of Your Dreams by Making Fear Your Friend

Aging Joyfully: A Woman’s Guide to Optimal Health, Relationships, and Fulfillment for Her 50s and Beyond

The Joy of Imperfect Love: The Art of Creating Healthy, Securely Attached Relationships

Connect with Dr. Carla Manly:








Books by Susan Bratton:

Relationship Magic

Sexual Soulmates: The Six Essentials for Connected Sex

Connect with Susan Bratton:






Better Lover:

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Is the Golden Rule Harming Your Romantic Relationship? Discover Better Love with Intimacy Expert Susan Bratton

Bring Lasting Love, Intimacy, and Joy into Your Romantic Relationship!

Romantic relationships, we love them but sometimes we hate them. In many cases, we just put up with them. We are told that romance should be easy but the truth is heart-connected relationships require loads of devotion and mindful effort. While there isn’t a magical cure for relationship blues, there are steps we can each take to create a loving connection and lasting joy. Whether your romantic relationship is new or decades old, you and your partner will enjoy tips from our guest, intimacy expert Susan Bratton.

In this episode, we’ll focus on this audience’s real-life question, “My partner and I have been married for six years. Over time, our love life has gone from great to zero. Other than occasional conflicts, we get along okay but I want more than just okay. My best friend says it’s normal and that I should be happy with what I have. I want passion. I want to feel in love again. Am I asking for too much?”


Imperfect Love - Dr. Carla Manly | Susan Bratton | Romantic Relationship


I am joined by a very special and vibrant guest, Susan Bratton, who will be sharing her expertise on love, intimacy, and the power of connection. Susan is the author of two wonderful books, Relationship Magic and Sexual Soulmates. Welcome to the show, Susan. It’s such a blessing to have you with us.

Carla, it’s so great to see you. We’re local Californians together. I’m impatiently waiting for your book to arrive on my doorstep because it looks fantastic. I’m so happy to be here talking about relationship values.

Fostering Both Emotional and Sexual Intimacy in Relationships

I imagined you’re referring to my fourth book, The Joy of Imperfect Love because we are talking about imperfect love, love, sex, and intimacy. Before we launch into the heart of this episode, could you tell our audience a little bit about what makes you, you?

As an intimacy expert to millions for the last few decades, I have been an intimacy expert. That’s different than a therapist or sexologist. My focus is on passionate lovemaking techniques, bedroom communication skills, intimate wellness ideas, and strategies, and what’s going on in the world so that one can have an intimate life that keeps getting better and better over the years instead of getting worse and worse, which is what most people do.

My focus is on extending your sex span to extend your health span so that you live a longer, healthier, and happier life. The couples who can maintain their intimacy, grow it, and make it stronger are the couples who can go the distance and have the best lives of all. Everything about intimacy, our bodies, and pleasure is learned skills. You’re not born knowing them. That’s what I do. I teach people how to transform having sex into making love. Also, having the kind of relationship that fuels them and fuels their creativity and passion. I’m an author and publisher of passionate lovemaking techniques and communication skills.



It’s a beautiful background. Slowing it down, I love how you talk about the communication piece. Often, we go straight into wanting passionate sex, passionate sex to continue, and more passionate sex. We sometimes forget that piece of emotional connection, intimate communication, and healthy communication that all sets the stage for wonderful, passionate lovemaking.

If it’s just sex, it’s just sex. Maybe it feels super great in the moment or maybe it doesn’t but that isn’t what keeps a relationship going strong. What keeps it going strong are the communication techniques and those strategies that we’re going to dive into for fostering the emotional intimacy that fosters the sexual intimacy. I’m so excited. Where would you like to start in responding to our audience’s question?

I have to say that I get variations of that question all of the time, both relating to the show and from clients who look to me as a psychologist to say, “How can you help my marriage or relationship?” Sometimes it’s somebody they’ve met recently where there isn’t a formal relationship but they’re already finding that that initial spark didn’t even last 1 month or 2, and they want it back. What would you say to our audience who’s looking to get out of the doldrums in the relationship?

The Importance of Communication and the Platinum Rule

This is an interesting thing because you’re spot on. My friend, Dr. Emily Moore, says, “Communication is lubrication.” I teach a lot of passionate love-making techniques and pleasuring skills but they sit on a foundation of solid communication. We’re not taught any of these kinds of intimate communication techniques. What I have found over the years is that most couples need to take one step back from that and understand their relationship values.

What I have found generally over the decades is that couples treat their partner the way they want to be treated. We’ve been taught the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you’d have them do unto you.” You’d think that treating your partner the way you want to be treated is the right thing to do but in actual fact, it’s better to follow the Platinum Rule. The Platinum Rule of relationships is to treat your partner the way they want to be treated and have them treat you the way you want to be treated.


Imperfect Love - Dr. Carla Manly | Susan Bratton | Romantic Relationship


Frankly, most people are in a masculine, feminine, pair-bonded relationship. Everything I’m about to say works for any relationship construct but I speak to that big part of the bell curve which is where most people are, a dude and his lady. We end up not understanding the difference between the masculine and feminine enough. If your partner’s treating you the way he wants to be treated and you’re wondering why he’s doing the things he’s doing, it’s because he doesn’t understand what you want. Things can’t get good in the bedroom until they’re good in the rest of the house.

What I have done is put together something called an NLP Values Elicitation. NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming is essentially the operating system of the communication structures of our brain. It’s how to talk to people so they can take it in, understand it, and act on it. Values Elicitation is a tool that therapists and communicators use so that you can meet people where they are in their thinking and help them move forward. I’ve applied this construct, which is applied to many different scenarios, to a couple so that they can play the Platinum Rule.

Essentially, what it is is a workbook. It’s at It’s also on Amazon. You can get it either place if you want the printed version or you can print it out at home. It walks you through asking what it is that you want out of your relationship. You write these things down and rank order them. You keep thinking to yourself, “Would I be in a relationship if I couldn’t have this?” I give you about 100 different things that are the catalyst for your thinking. Pretty much, I’ve never had anybody say, “The thing I came up with wasn’t in the book.”

What’s interesting about it is that you list them but then you keep working that list until you get to your truth about what it is that you want, what are the feelings you want to feel, and what are the boundaries, supports, needs, desires, experiences, and relational dynamics of a relationship that would serve you completely. This is where you get to be as selfish as you want.

Ultimately, your partner wants to give you what you want but they don’t know what it is. I say to men especially, “Would you like a cheat sheet for your partner’s happiness? Would you like a checklist of the things they want most from you so you could do them? That would meet 80% of their dream come true relationship.” They’re like, “Yes, I need that desperately because I’ve been taking shots in the dark here.” You go through this rank ordering process and then end up with your non-negotiables.



What I have found is that the four relationship values are the sweet spot. That’s when relationship magic happens. It’s the 80-20 rule, Pareto’s Principle. When your partner is giving you those very important things that you want, and I’m going to explain more about that, you feel like you are in the perfect relationship. Your needs are getting met.

When your partner is giving you those very important things that you want, you really feel like you are in the perfect relationship. Share on X

What I have found through the years is that the needs of a woman are very different than the needs of a man. That’s a lot because of nature and nurture. The nature of our hormone profiles is estrogen-dominant women. We don’t walk in the world safely. We’re massive multitaskers. We need a lot of encouragement, adoration, and appreciation. We need it verbally. Most of us need to hear that.

We have our love languages. You might have some predominant ones. You might be like me, where you’re like, “I want a mole. Give me everything.” It goes beyond love languages. This is not a love language. What men want is to be respected and to win. They don’t worry about how they walk in the world but they are conquerors and they live in a pecking order. Man land is a pecking order. You’re either up or you’re down.

They’re very hierarchical whereas women are much more team-oriented, group-oriented, and community-oriented. What men want is respect. They want to know they did a great job. You’ll find that generally the kinds of things that are on the relationship values that are on a man’s list are different than a woman’s list, though often you’ll find that there’s at least 1 or sometimes even 2 that are the same because you share common values.



Your values are something that are set very early in your childhood. Your values can change a bit over your lifetime but they’re fairly steady state because they are the nurture part of what makes you, you. That is the lens through which you look at life based on your experiences. When you get this list and work it up, maybe you’ve got 10, 8, or 12 things on there but you’ve got this top set of non-negotiables. If you didn’t get these things, would you stay in that relationship? Probably not. If you were in it, you wouldn’t be happy.

Your values are set very early in your childhood and can change a bit over your lifetime, but they're in a fairly steady state because they are the nurture part of what makes you, you. Share on X

If you’re in a relationship where you’re not currently happy, it is a very helpful thing to go through this process and discover what it is that you’re not getting that you need to be happy. The second step of the process is to give very specific examples of what your partner would do to make you feel those feelings you want to feel. I can give you some specific examples so you understand. Thank you for letting me lay that out because it’s helpful for people to know the whole thing at once.

You set the foundation. You and I are quite similar in approach when I think of the books that I’ve worked with love, whether it’s my third book, Date Smart or The Joy of Imperfect Love. I focus a lot on values and priorities. Partners who have shared values and priorities tend to get along more smoothly. Sometimes in the dating process, we don’t get granular. We weren’t taught these skills. We think, “I like this person. They’re on the same trajectory. They want this. I want that. We have the same religion, spiritual beliefs, and exercise habits.”

We don’t do what you’re talking about, which is slowing down, calling through them, and working to find out the top ones. I use a similar but different approach. I love that you offer this as a resource for people to get online or download from your website because it’s so helpful and worth the effort. Readers, it’s so worth the effort to go to either a self-help book or a website to concretize some of these things.

When they’re out in the air in a relationship, we can believe we’re on the same page as a partner but when we get it down on paper, do that work for the self. I agree with you. I don’t see it as being selfish. I see it as being self-full. It’s one of the first things I do in Date Smart. That book is about looking at, “Wait a minute. What are my needs here? What do I have to offer? Who am I?”

It’s that self-awareness piece, which is what you were talking about. We must grow our self-awareness before we can begin to get what we want. If we’re in a committed relationship or looking for one, the people who we’re interviewing as dating partners are like, “Let’s do this and look at this to see if we’re a good fit.” If we’re already in a committed relationship, whether it’s a marriage or not, it’s never too late to sit down with a partner and go, “Let’s take a little refresher here. Let’s look at this.”


Imperfect Love - Dr. Carla Manly | Susan Bratton | Romantic Relationship


Looking at our audience’s question who’s saying, “Things are okay,” it’s likely that their values and priorities are misaligned or out of touch. We’re not sure exactly what they want more of. If they want passion, we can guess that that’s more sex. Maybe it’s more emotional intimacy, better sex, or frequent sex. For some people, sex after the courting phase seems like a high priority when you’re dating or in the early honeymoon phase. For some people, once that’s done, they’re like, “It’s not so important anymore.” The other person’s going, “Is it me? What’s happened here?”

I was working with a client, where that’s exactly the issue. This client is thinking, “Is it me? We had great sex and it’s all turned off. What do I do?” You can’t have these big conversations if you’re in a defensive space or not knowing space, or if your partner’s in a defensive space or not knowing space. We need these conversations, which many of us feel uncomfortable having.

Readers, if you’re uncomfortable talking with your partner about sexuality and sexual intimacy, I like to look at it like having more salt and pepper on your food at home. We don’t hesitate to say, “I need more pepper. I’d like some more salt.” We just talk about it and say, “When you make this next time, could you add a little more pepper?” When we learn to do it, it might feel anxiety-inducing at first but the more we learn to have these conversations from a safe space in the self and help the partner be in a safe space, the more we can ultimately get to the places you’ll lead us about those bigger steps that lead to the more passionate sexual intimacy. Did I get that right?

You got it perfect. The Relationship Magic workbook is not necessarily just a sexual conversation book, though it does help that. I have a little story to illustrate that. I have an entirely different technique called The Sexual Soulmate Pact for Bedroom Communication that overcomes the biggest hurdles, which are people being embarrassed to talk about it or afraid to say something. Their partner is like, “I know. You don’t have to tell me.”

They’re defensive. They raise their defenses or they’re not sure what they want. They just know what they’re getting isn’t it. It fixes those problems. The Relationship Magic workbook process can help with sexuality but what it does is it levels your entire relationship. You feel like you’re in a great relationship so it’s much more likely that you want to continue to be physically intimate with your partner as well.

It's much more likely that you're going to want to continue to be physically intimate with your partner when you're in a great relationship. Share on X

How a Couple Used the Relationship Magic Workbook

I’d like to give you a great example of John and Ruben, who did this process. It’s a fun thing to do on a date night, frankly. Do your workbooks beforehand and then compare your notes. It’s a very juicy conversation. John and Ruben were married for a while. Ruben felt like John was always grabbing at her and she didn’t like that. John was frustrated because Ruben wasn’t having as much intimate time with him as he wanted.

They sat down and did the Relationship Magic workbook. Ruben has the top four relationship values. Number one is security. I might not get these in exactly the right order because I’ve heard thousands and thousands of people’s lists but it was a variety, novelty kind of a thing. She wanted security and then freedom. She wanted variety and to do a lot of fun things. She wanted honesty.

John’s relationship values were passion, growth, honesty, and adventure. They had the variety, novelty, and adventure thing already working together. They had honesty pieces of things. What Ruben wanted was for John to take care of her and give her all the possible so that she could have the freedom to do things that she wanted to do. John was an introvert and she was an extrovert. She liked to go off and do things with people. He would rather stay home.

Those were pretty easy things. He’s like, “What does security mean?” She gave him things that were important to her. “I want to make sure we always have healthcare and savings in the bank. Our home has a working alarm. My car’s in good working order. I’m safe and you’re watching over me.” She came from a very insecurely attached childhood with a lot of trauma and drama. She needed someone who was very placid. She came from such a household of mercurial emotion that it was exhausting to her.

She liked how calm John was. She wanted protection. She told him all the ways that she needed him to protect her. She wanted the freedom to go off and do things. He was fine with that. He’s like, “I can take care of you. You can go off and have good times that I don’t want to go to.” With honesty, they wanted to tell the truth to each other. They saw a lot of their friends withholding and pushing things under the carpet. They didn’t want to get into that. They wanted to be able to say anything that they wanted to say to each other. They were both a yes to that.

They’d been in a relationship prior, where they were blindsided by things with their partners. That did not make Ruben feel secure or John feels confident. John wanted passion. She was like, “What does that mean?” He said, “I want to see you naked and towel off. When you get out of the shower, I love to see your body. I want you to come sit on my lap in the morning and give me a kiss. I want to hold you at night when we’re watching television. I want us to kiss goodbye and hello every time we leave and get back together. I like a lot of touch.”

John was a very kinesthetic person. He was very bright and mathematical. He had a wall of spreadsheets around his desk. He loved to go and do his numbers. When he came out, he wanted to be touched. That’s when Ruben realized, “All that grabbing that he’s doing for me is his bids for physical attention.” She understood what he was doing and was able to be proactive about that.

She came from a family where she wasn’t touched much so she had to get used to it. It’s almost like a puppy dog that doesn’t like to get petted. You offer it a treat and it’ll come over. You can get a couple of pets until it gets socialized to petting. That’s how Ruben was from her childhood. Over the years, she focused on John’s relationship values. She did the toweling off, the lingerie he liked, and the things that were important to him.

She used to feel like lingerie was degrading and then she realized, “He loves to see me like this. I can do this for him.” She ended up loving to wear lingerie for him. Our partners do help us mature, grow, and expand from things that we don’t understand or the traumas that we’ve had where they are our best support. It ended up that she got up every day and focused on passion and growth for John. Ruben and John are very intelligent. They’re very lucky. They married well together. They’re an intellectual match of firepower. That was good for both of them.

Our partners help us mature, grow, and expand from things we don’t understand or the traumas we’ve had. Share on X

John supported Ruben’s ambitions. He was the wind beneath her wings in that way. She could see his potential. He loved it when she said, “John, you’re doing this right now but here’s where I see you going. You could be living into this even bigger thing.” He was so in the weeds with all his data, mathematics, and historical actuarial things that he needed her big-picture strategic mind to show him what he was capable of. Behind every great man is a great woman kind of thing.

They got their relationship values and understood the behaviors like, “I see why you’re doing that to me. Now, that makes sense. I know what to get up every day and make sure I do. I make sure the tire and car works and the health insurance is paid. I’m protecting you and taking care of you. I’ve got you and got my eye on you. It’s very clear that you’re safe with me.” It was super good for them. That was the foundation that allowed them to move into intimate play that didn’t feel weird to her because she understood how kinesthetic he was and how much he loved to get his hands on her.

The Importance of Self-Awareness and Growth

I appreciate the case study. We can often see from case studies or segments that we may find a lot of pieces that resonate with us. It’s so important to dive into these kinds of activities with a partner. It’s why every single one of my books has exercises in it. Why? We can read a book but if we don’t have exercises that pull us out of the cerebral place and into diving inward for some self-assessment and self-awareness, we don’t generally shift just by reading.

It’s why from grade school forward, we don’t just read books. We do the exercises. Why? That’s where we learn and expand. In the case study you gave us, it’s so interesting that you’re talking about the man grabbing the woman because that’s something I’ve seen throughout the years. Often, the woman who doesn’t like to be grabbed, not that most people like to be grabbed, there’s some sexual assault history or objectification.

They understand, “This person’s trying to touch me or get close to me.” The other person understands, “Wait a minute. Every time I grab, I’m triggering this individual,” whether they’re unfamiliar with touch and weren’t touched as a child, as you’re saying so it doesn’t feel familiar, or whether there’s some trauma underneath it. The more we come together with our partners, instead of accusing or deriding them, understand and create that connection through understanding. That’s where things begin to blossom. We can grow and change.

We change throughout life. Do we change with intention and awareness or do we let life change us by default? If we let life change us by default, it’s often not in our best interest. What you’re talking about is a lot of consciousness and mindfulness, and using skills and what you’ve learned. Not to throw daggers at your partner or withhold from your partner, which is quite the opposite, but to treat your partner the way they want to be treated.

The Platinum Rule.

It’s interesting because think about it in life. When we go to a restaurant and the server is bringing something to us, we want them to treat us the way we want to be treated. We want them to bring us tea or tofu if that’s what we’ve ordered. We don’t want them to put a big beefsteak in front of us if that’s not what we need or have asked for. It’s the same thing in relationships.

How Societal Expectations and Gender Roles Can Impact Relationships

I found that people hit a big speed bump on that because our culture often teaches people, “If you’re doing what your partner wants, then your partner is wearing the pants or you’re wearing the skirt.” We’re overgeneralizing here, audience. I know we’re being a bit cisgender in some of our descriptions but we’re using that for ease.

There’s so much, especially from men who think, “If I pay attention to my wife and partner and give them what they want and love them the way they want, I’ve lost.” This goes directly back to the part where you said men tend to have a win-lose mentality. Regardless of your gender, if you have a win-lose mentality, everybody loses in that relationship.

I don’t even think it’s men. I honestly think our culture has imbued them with a very limited set of emotional range. The healing that is a big part of men’s work is to get out of pecking order, victim mindset, anger, and those kinds of things, and have more of a variety of emotions and be able to access their emotions. That is why a lot of the techniques and exercises that I offer don’t require a conversation.

That’s why the Relationship Magic workbook is so helpful. You mostly do it yourself. You write down the specifics of your needs and read them to your partner. Generally, most men don’t feel like anything where there’s going to be a conversation is going to be a level playing field. It’s going to be harder for them than it is for their female partner. Women generally have more ability to articulate their feelings and things like that.

I agree with you. Women, by society, are given the right to be okay, happy, and occasionally sad. Other than that, we’re not supposed to feel other emotions. Men are given the green flag to be very rarely sad. They are also given a red light for being sensitive and a big green light for anger. We look at that and how different it is. All of us have those five basic emotions, fear, sadness, disgust, anger, and joy.

For a reason, they’re all messengers and all of our feelings are our messengers. It’s part of our right and responsibility to get in touch with our emotional world. We can’t express our feelings and needs if we aren’t aware of what our feelings or needs are. You are giving our audience such a beautiful platform for being able to get in touch with what’s important to them. Convey it in workbook form so it doesn’t feel too intimidating from doing that workbook. Convey it to a partner but they’re first conveying it to themselves in a very self-full and self-aware way.

It’s funny. I was having a conversation with my hubby. We were talking about my core needs. I’m like, “Kindness and respect.” If somebody is treating me with respect, they will necessarily be honest, transparent, and have integrity with me. If they’re being kind, they will naturally be showing me empathy and consideration. We all can come to those places of our truth.

Once we know our truth, then we can convey that and have boundaries around that. Once we’ve conveyed it and the other person is living with the Platinum Rule and treating the partner in the way that they’re asking to be treated and wanting to be treated, that is where the intimacy comes. From that intimacy, the deeper and more passionate sexual intimacy. You can have those conversations.

One of my girlfriends’ top two relationship values are devotion and wit. She says, “I don’t even have a 3 and 4 because my partner is totally devoted to me and is funny as hell. I could have the nested desire to have him be intelligent,” but you can’t be witty unless you’re smart. That takes care of that anyway.

We can keep it simple, can’t we? You have so many other pieces to offer. Our emotional plates might be full but there’s a lot of richness and beauty here. Susan, are there any other pieces that you feel point us back to the audience’s question or help our audience in general?

The “Three Things I Love About You” Game

I don’t remember if we mentioned the three things I love about you or not.

We didn’t. Please, do.

We were going to go into that too but I agree with you. The emotional plate is full. The Relationship Magic workbook is probably good enough for now. I can come back. It’s no problem. I have an email newsletter at I write two times a week, newsletter emails, that have links to things like workbooks, exercises, techniques, pleasure skills, and things like that. I’d love for you to get on my newsletter, take all my free content, and improve your sex life because we didn’t get into that.

On, there is a video called Three Things I Love About You. That is a game that you play with your partner and you can play it for the rest of your life. Anytime that you would like to hear what your partner loves about you, you ask them, “Tell me three things that you love about me,” and they’ll tell you three things.

Often, the game is played best when you try not to repeat things Instead, you’re looking for new reasons that you love your partner all the time like something they did or something you noticed. When you do that, it helps women feel adored, appreciated and encouraged. Men feel like they’re winning, respected, and loved. That is a nice game. I tell you exactly how to play it at That’s a nice additional little bonus thing we could talk about.

If you have any questions for me about anything that I’ve said or anything that I haven’t, you ask me all your sex questions. That’s my sweet spot. If you get a newsletter from me, hit reply and ask me anything. It goes right to my inbox. I personally answer those. I can probably point you in the direction of things that will be your next steps wherever you are getting to wherever you want to be. is probably the place to find me. I’m on Instagram. You can DM me from there as well. That’s my name, @SusanBratton.

Thank you so much for that wealth of information. I do have to say on the Three Things I Love About You, it is funny that you said that. My husband and I do our weekend walks. Every once in a while, probably once a month or once every other month, I naturally say, “Tell me 10 or 11 things that you love about me.” He’ll do his little list. You’re right. It makes you feel seen and cherished.

It’s interesting when I do the twelve things I love about him back to him. He likes it. He’s off to another world. I say it and show it so frequently to him. Sometimes, they forget that you want to also be giving some of that back. It’s a beautiful place to end because it is so true. Stating what we like or appreciating a partner is one of the things that keeps the relationship going. It’s that appreciation and seeing them. Readers, it’s a great game. You can find it on Susan Bratton’s website and at You can sign up for her email. No tricks there. Be on that email list if you want to hear more about this.

No tricks, just treats.

It has lots of treats to help you connect with your partner and yourself. That is a big piece I’m taking away from our conversation. You and I are so aligned on that. It’s self-connection and self-awareness. From there, reach toward. It’s gorgeous. Thank you, Susan, so much for your expertise and for being with us. To our audience, thank you. It has been, as always, such a joy to share time with you.


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About Susan Bratton

Imperfect Love - Dr. Carla Manly | Susan Bratton | Romantic Relationship

Susan Bratton, “Intimacy Expert to Millions” is a champion and advocate for all those who desire intimacy and passion their whole life long. She’s created hundreds of techniques that transform “having sex” into making love and is the world’s most well-respected sexual biohacker. Susan is co-founder and CEO of two companies: Personal Life Media, Inc., a publisher of the Better Lover brand of heart-connected lovemaking techniques and bedroom communication skills and sexual regenerative therapies. And The20, tivitamin multi-mineral supplements have high quality methylated B vitamins and libido botanicals built in.

Susan is also an active and caring spokesperson for GAINSWave®, FemiWave® and The Dr. Joel Kaplan Company⸺three sexual biohacking/regenerative therapies for increasing one’s “sex span” to achieve ageless sexuality.

She is a best-selling author and publisher of 44 books and programs including Sexual Soulmates, Relationship Magic, Revive Her Drive, Ravish Him, Steamy Sex Ed™, The Passion Patch, Hormone Balancing, and Hot To Trot. Susan speaks eloquently from the stage and frequently appears on ABC, CBS, The CW, and NBC as well as being the #1 downloaded episode guest on myriad podcasts.